So two of our biggest software money pits are Omnigraffle and VMware Fusion. There are currently Extension Attributes on JAMF Nation that report serial numbers, but if the software isn't installed they just report back blank. I'm not a big fan of wasted space, so I updated the coding to report back "Not installed" if they don't have the software.

So two of our biggest software money pits are Omnigraffle and VMware Fusion. There are currently Extension Attributes on JAMF Nation that report serial numbers, but if the software isn't installed they just report back blank. I'm not a big fan of wasted space, so I updated the coding to report back "Not installed" if they don't have the software.
Basically, it makes the inventory report more accurate. And prettier.
Omnigraffle Serial Number
# by emily k @ volusion 2014-06-10
# checks for omnigraffle sn
if [ -d "/Library/Application Support/Omni Group/Software Licenses/" ]; then
result=`cat /Library/Application\ Support/Omni\ Group/Software\ Licenses/OmniGraffle*.omnilicense | grep -A 1 Key | grep string | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | awk '{print $1}'`
result="Not Installed."
echo "<result>$result</result>"
VMWare Fusion Serial Number
# by emily k @ volusion 2014-06-10
# checks for vmware fusion sn
if [ -d "/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/" ] ; then
result=`cat /Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/license* | grep Serial | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/"//g'`
result="Not installed."
echo "<result>$result</result>"
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