So when I moved into my new, unfortunately carpeted, apartment last summer, my mom promised me she'd buy me a vacuum. Fast forward a year and two months and that has yet to happen. Over the past year here I've been borrowing vacuums from friends like a total mooch because when you're in grad school it's hard to justify dropping $100 on something that you can't eat or use at school. (Although, interestingly enough, dropping $100 on Doctor Who DVDs is fairly easy to stomach.)
I got just fed-up enough mooching off my boyfriend, lugging his vacuum around, and trying to fix the old, failed vacuum from friends of mine (that got a Dyson ball vacuum from parents for Xmas, the jerks) that I finally caved and threw money down for my own.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am now officially an adult. I bought a vacuum, and her name is Zuum.
Isn't she beautiful? I bought her at Target, like most of the other things in my life. Also check out Mayor Charles creeping on my photo. It works pretty well… In a perfect world I'd get a fancy vacuum made for houses with pets but I'm not made of money! Wish I was…
In a totally unrelated note, we have a summer games thing going on at work and I've put my hat in the race for our team in the dessert making competition. Our team is called Black Tie Affair and the treat I make has to be related to the team name. I'm trying to figure out what to make… cupcakes seem like the obvious good idea, but how do I make Black Tie Affair cupcakes?
Any vegan cupcake recipes that relate to black ties or fancy things are welcome!
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