[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Invasion of the Dinosaurs (dv8r71/deviantart)[/caption]
From the program:
Steve Hill, Marcia Franklin, Derek Kompare, Kristen Roach, and Steve Traylen lead the discussion, including what good entry episodes are for the classic series, and how they all entered the program themselves. A surprisingly large amount of the audience had never seen any classic series Doctor Who before…
I snagged a recording on my iPad and ran it through the Levelator. The sound may not be the highest of quality, but it is definitely understandable. (Warning: file size is 54mb, may be slow to load.)
I hope you enjoy the ambient noise of me taking notes, and the moment where I bring up Tomb of the Cybermen and possible deafen you (though hopefully not, as the Levelator usually does a good job!).
From the program:
From the covers of major magazines like TV Guide to news media coverage to 'event television', the Doctor is everywhere these days. Now that the show's back on the air, there's been an entire new generation of Doctor Who fans brought into the fold. For those of you who have joined fandom with the new show: what has attracted you and made it your favorite? And for those of you from ages past: how do you cope with the sudden influx of fans who just can't get enough? This panel will explore the cross-generational divide, and come to consensus about how possible (and realistic) it is to be a fan of the entire 50 year saga.
Steve Hill, Marcia Franklin, Derek Kompare, Kristen Roach, and Steve Traylen lead the discussion, including what good entry episodes are for the classic series, and how they all entered the program themselves. A surprisingly large amount of the audience had never seen any classic series Doctor Who before…
I snagged a recording on my iPad and ran it through the Levelator. The sound may not be the highest of quality, but it is definitely understandable. (Warning: file size is 54mb, may be slow to load.)
I hope you enjoy the ambient noise of me taking notes, and the moment where I bring up Tomb of the Cybermen and possible deafen you (though hopefully not, as the Levelator usually does a good job!).
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