The Nerdist Descends on Gallifrey One!

Can I just say that I am very, very excited to hear that Chris Hardwick is going to be at Gallifrey One on Saturday. I was a few hours late to the news due to, well, trying to limit my computer time in the evenings to make myself feel more human. But apparently, Hardwick will be at Gally on Saturday to film some stuff and do interviews for The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson! Just in case you didn't know, Ferguson and Hardwick are both vocal about their love of Doctor Who. So for those of you that are unfamiliar with Mr. Nerdist, I am here to share some required viewings/listens to get you up to speed on the awesome that is Chris Hardwick.

Hardwick, along with friends Jonah Ray and Matt Mira, started the Nerdist Podcast just over a year ago. And from the get-go we hear about Hardwick beginning to investigate the show. Not long before he started recording the podcast, Hardwick began watching the New Series and quickly fell in love with it (as is the case with many of us). Nearly every podcast contains mention of Doctor Who in some capacity, but here are a few choice episodes where they discuss DW in some kind of length:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Nerdist Podcast #22: Craig Ferguson Live @ Largo!"][/caption]

Back in June the podcast had a live recording at Largo in LA with Craig Ferguson! The whole thing was fantastic, but in the interest of this guide, you'll want to zoom in on the discussion of DW that happens between Hardwick and Ferguson about half way through the recording. It's awesome. "He's a fucking Time Lord." There are also some awesome guest hosts and a great musical performance by Sara Watkins at the end. Hooray!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Nerdist Podcast #46: MATT SMITH"][/caption]

But if you're looking for a true, in-depth discussion of DW, production, the American filming, and other nerdy pursuit, look no further than this interview with the Eleventh Doctor himself, Matt Smith. It's an adorably brilliant chat. Smith is charming, likes chess, and is clearly passionate about the show and its fans!

Check-in on GetGlue

As far as viewing is concerned, you absolutely must watch:

Also worth checking out are the fantastic posts on about Doctor Who, mostly written by Kyle Anderson and Perry Michael Simon.

You can also follow quite a few of the people mentioned here on The Twitter. Craig Ferguson, Chris Hardwick, Jonah Ray (here is a tumblr link because he's such a hipster), Matt Mira, and Kyle Anderson all tweet, and do tweet about the good Doctor from time to time.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption=" "][/caption]

Until next time ... See you at Gally!


BONUS: My Nerdist Story!

On February 13th of last year I saw Chris Hardwick do a stand-up comedy gig at La Zona Rosa here in Austin (yes I live in Texas, and I like it too!). Towards the end of his hilarious set he asked if anyone in the crowd was live tweeting, to which I (for better or worse) replied that I was. He then asked me for my Twitter handle (@emilyooo), and looked up my profile on his iPhone on stage and looked at my tweets. The last few I sent were to my friend Amber (@ambrrr), to which he pointed out that we had a triple letter thing going on. True! We didn't even realize. About five or so people in the crowd followed me on Twitter at that moment, which was pretty cool. Then afterwards I met him in the lobby and got his signature and the last of his awesome Nerdist GelaSkins (which I still have on my iPhone 3Gs):

And I also snapped a low-light pic of him wearing his super excellent Weird Al t-shirt:

In August he came back to Austin for another stand-up gig, but I missed it because I was home hanging out with my family. Apparently he asked if I was there. Damn! Oh well, hopefully he'll come back this year. His stand-up set is brilliant. If you like the podcasts you'll love hearing his stand-up.



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