radio free skaro #241 - torch songs

So, Gally has come and gone. It was a really great weekend. It's like having 1000+ best friends for three days! On Sunday I was a co-panelist on the music panel:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Murray's Gold: The Music of Doctor Who"][/caption]

Afterwards my co-panelist Michaela and I were interviewed by the wonderful boys of Radio Free Skaro. Here are the show notes:
With the 2011 edition of Gallifrey One over half over, the Three Who Rule were still hard at work bringing you interviews with tremendously interesting people at the convention. Torchwood: Miracle Day is keenly discussed with writers Jane Espenson and Doris Egan, and the music of Doctor Who, specifically Murray Gold, was discussed with music scholars Emily Kausalik and Mikaela Schubert. Also joining us for the fun are our good friends Eric from Mostly Harmless Cutaway and Sean from Tardis Tavern. Enjoy, everyone! Only one more day to go… Show Notes:

- Skaro Shop…North America!
- Skaro Shop…UK!
- Gallifrey…One!


And you can listen here!:

[audio mp3="" title="Radio Free Skaro #241 - Torch Songs"]

Until next time,