unreleased tracks from the nineteen of salem

Apparently people are noticing that I am posting old DuPage Hardcore recordings.


So. I was contacted by a former member of The Nineteen of Salem, who subsequently sent me a few of their unreleased tracks in the interest of finally getting them out there somewhere for people to check out. I can't tell you much more than that. So, enjoy!

Executive Order Number 9066
[audio:http://emily.woolgathering.net/wp-ss/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/the-nineteen-of-salem-executive_order_number_9066.mp3|titles=the nineteen of salem - executive_order_number_9066]

257 in the Afternoon
[audio:http://emily.woolgathering.net/wp-ss/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/the-nineteen-of-salem-257_in_the_afternoon.mp3|titles=the nineteen of salem - 257_in_the_afternoon]

[audio:http://emily.woolgathering.net/wp-ss/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/the-nineteen-of-salem-richard.mp3|titles=the nineteen of salem - richard]


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